2025 is the Year of Whensdays!
At the beginning of every year I share my Whensday philosophy with friends and followers.
This year Whensday is especially appropriate because the very first day of 2025 falls on an actual Wednesday!
By now you’ve probably noted the unique spelling (or at the very least realized the date of this blog post is most certainly NOT the weekday that falls between Tuesday and Thursday.)
I came up with this concept more than a decade ago while thinking about just how many of my own projects get delayed because of simple procrastination. I scribbled the concept in my journal, bought the domain name, and put it on my “when-I-get-around-to-it-list.”
Every year I share the article, but this year I wanted to build an entire content and coaching program around the concept. Today is Whensday for me, too.
I am using Substack to publish a weekly newsletter (every Wednesdsay, of course!) that contains bits of advice, insight, and resources to help move your own Whensday projects off the backburner and get you to turn up the heat on getting them done.
Still a little fuzzy on what a Whensday project is?
Read the original concept article below…
Whensday is that day you SAY you’re going do something.
The day you’ll write your book, take that dance class, go back to school, find a new job, clean the garage, fix the toilet, whatever…
- When I have more time
- When I have more money
- When I get a degree
- When I get a new job
- When I get a raise
- When I lose some weight
- When the economy is better
- When they fire that jerk of a boss
- When someone gives me a chance
- When the world isn’t conspiring against me
- When I get more experience
- When I have more freedom
- When I meet “the right people”
- When I don’t have so much housework
- When somebody gives me some help
- When someone gives me permission
- When my family understands me
- When I get motivated
- When I get famous
- When I get a promotion
- When I get out of debt
- When I save some money
- When I know I can’t fail
- When I’m not so busy
- When I marry the right person
- When I move to another city
- When I start my own business
- When my luck is better
- When I hit the lottery
I’ve got news for you — that perfect day where the stars are in alignment and all your lottery numbers hit, some Hollywood talent scout runs into you at Starbucks and thinks you’d be perfect in the next blockbuster superhero movie, and Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg are start a bidding war to convince you to run their businesses for them just ain’t gonna happen.
You simply need to decide that today is the day you’re going to start putting your goals into action. Today is when you’re going to write the first chapter of your novel, today is when you’re going to call up that dance studio and sign-up for this weekend’s Tango class, today is when you’re going to go down to the hardware store and by a new floaty-thing for your toilet tank.
TODAY is Whensday.
TOMORROW is Whensday.
EVERYDAY is Whensday.
2025 is filled with Whensdays — make everyone of them count.
What do you think… Are you in?
Take your first step toward embracing a full year of Whensdays by subscribing to the Today Is Whensday community for just $5 per month (or sign-up for the entire year at a discounted rate of $50).
Membership gets you exclusive access to 52 weeks of brand new content, advice, and resources for putting your ideas into action.
Click this link to subscribe today and get started tomorrow — on the first Whensday of 2025!
Reach out to me with any questions about the program via the contact form on this site.