Comic Catch-up
Updating the toon linkage
Many of you may have latched-on to the fact that I’m a big fan of webcomics. There are several daily stand-bys and few weeklies to which I am completely devoted.
A few of you have sent links to other toons you thought I might enjoy, and I’ve added a new roster of mini-banners to my comic linking area down the left-hand side of this page. My two newest favorites are Return To Sender and Questionable Content.
I’ve followed Return to Sender from the beginning, and I love the concept, but I’m so hooked that it KILLS me to have to wait for each update! The artist, Vera Brosgol, is only 19 years old and is talented beyond belief. Check out her primary website (it includes an online portfolio) and you can pretty guess she’s got great things ahead of her.
Questionable Content is a comic I just discovered this past Saturday. Storytelling takes the spotlight in this comic, and you can feel the plot move forward with each update. I was so captured by the work that I sat and read every page from the first episode to the current one in a single sitting (175 pages!) The other thing I like about this comic is the rapport the creator (Jeph Jacques) builds through the journal-type entries that accompany most updates. If he makes an obscure reference, he’ll explain it. If he mentions a favorite song in the strip, he’ll hook you up with the information about the band and a review of their latest release. If he does/doesn’t like the way something turned out, he’ll tell you. It’s a real pleasure watching this guy’s style evolve as the strip progresses.
Jeph recently went from updating the comic three days a week, to a full five days per week. This guy takes his work seriously, and we get to benefit from daily story updates!
Do yourself a favor and visit the comic sites to which I link. I think you’ll be surprised to find that most of them are way beyond anything you’ll find in your newspaper funny pages.