Skype VS. Vonage
Ask anyone which I prefer and I will unabashedly proclaim Skype to be the best, but it appears from the latest info in Business Week Online, I ain’t the only one.
While an article in their INNOVATION section touts Skype as a viable challenger to the “old order” of the Goliath wireless world, a second TECHNOLOGY article shares news that Vonage’s idea to provide early “reserved” $17 shares of its IPO for their own customers may have backfired after the stock fell to $12.50 before the company had a chance to collect. People who said they’d buy a bundle, are trying to cancel their reservations.
As Vonage decides to either pressure their customers to collect on the 26% loss or eat the difference, their stock can only continue to suffer — they either take the financial hit and leave the money in the customers’ pockets — or they apply pressure to the customers to collect (reminding them of the bad investment and pissing them off to-boot.) Could canceling their service as a retalitory measure be far behind — which I imagine wouldn’t help the stock price either.
I’ve got some plans up my sleeve for some DTIG events using Skype’s conference call and recording capabilities, and I’d love to invite some of MyBrainBlog readers to participate — but you’ll need the free Skype service to attend.
Download Skype at the link provided (it’s FREE) and drop me a line with your Skype ID. I’ll alert you to the conference call projects on a “first-come/first-Skyped” basis.
Download Skype here
Add me to your Skype contact list: dontheideaguy