A Bit O’ Lit
If you spend all your time reading email instead of literature, you might want to try a little recreational reading in bite-sized bits.
DailyLit.com sends books in serialized ‘episodes’ right to your email inbox. Each installment can be quickly consumed in as little as 5 minutes (and you already know you can access email from just about anywhere — that’s why you can never find time to crack a ‘real’ book!)
Choose a book from over 750 titles and select the frequency of the emailed episodes (daily, weekdays, or Monday, Wednesday and Friday.) If an episode leaves you with a cliffhanger that you simply can’t wait to see resolved, there’s also a ‘send next part immediately’ option.
More than 250 titles are available free of charge, with the rest sold using a ‘Pay-Per-Read’ process which allows you to abandon books in which you lose interest. There are even sample installments available at no cost.
Visit DailyLit.com to learn more.