A ‘Snow Globe’ of IdeasA new blog to shake things up and see bright ideas swirl around inside.I received a recent request to link from the folks promoting Fortune Magazine’s Innovation Forum in New York from November 30th – December 1. They created a blog to spotlight big thinkers and their ideas: http://www.businessinnovation2005.com/. Folks like […]
Don The Idea Guy
Posts by Don The Idea Guy :
ZombiePumpkins.comThe legend (and stencil collection) grows…ZombiePumpkins.com offers an incredibly creative line of original jack-o-lantern patterns available to print and carve. The collection expands each year, with additions of pop culture icons like Napoleon Dynamite, Batman, World of Warcraft characters, Mr. Incredible, and new characters from the latest Tim Burton movie, The Corpse Bride. Among the […]
All Known IdeaGeneration MethodsCollection of creative exercises with a not-so creative nameOne of the first things I try to express in my own creative consultancy is that absolutes are anathema to the creative process. It’s like the IBM executive who said there was only a worldwide market for three computers, or when Bill Gates said […]
The Big Bad Blank PageSince I unveiled the new ‘Orijournals‘ a week ago, I thought I’d share some tips I have found useful in keeping a journal.The hardest thing to do is simply start.For some reason most people (including me) seem intimidated by a blank page. Many painters who fear an empty canvas. I think […]
James BlondeI just wanted to say it first.Since they are remaking Casino Royale with fair-haired Daniel Craig (he was awesome in Layer Cake) in the leading role of the British spy with a license to kill, perhaps they should consider a few other remakes in which to feature the new Blonde Bond… Dye-monds Are Forever […]
An Idea Guy “OriJournal”Brand new item on the DTIG homepage today — an offer for limited edition idea journals. These are the same journals I use to record my own thoughts and ideas. Made in the USA, each journal is filled with 90 bright white, smooth, acid-free pages, and has a rich linen hardcover. Select […]