It’s been a week??? Really? I haven’t updated in a WEEK?? Sheesh! It’s not like I don’t have really cool stuff to share with you, like this for example: ART-O-MAT Or this… Styrogami Or even this… Failure Magazine So I’m really sorry about the delay, but now you have crunchy link goodness to enjoy — […]
Don The Idea Guy
Posts by Don The Idea Guy :
Unleash Your Music Full-service conversion from CD to MP3 The new service converts your entire CD collection into a digital music library. They even offer archiving on portable hard drives to create a personal plug-n-play jukebox. As of right now they only offer the service for Compact Discs, I’d be even more excited about […]
What all the Cool People are Reading… Or, as Elmer Fudd would say: “World Wide Weading Wist… heh-heh-heh-heh-heh…” Inspired by Book Watch, and using web services from,,, and, is a website that visits recently updated weblogs every hour, checking them for links to books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book […]