Moore Fun at John’s Blog GoDaddy’s Big Daddy Responds Excellent discussion going on at the Brand Autopsy blog here, here, here, and here discussing the big daddy of domain registrations —‘s — intentions to spend big bucks on a tiny SuperBowl ad. These guys and gals contributing to the discussion are passionate about GoDaddy’s […]
Fast Friends Tattoos and Cartoons A couple online buddies have made it into the finals for Fast Company magazine’s Fast 50 of 2005. Hugh MacLeod (the ‘cartoons on the back of business cards’ guy from was nominated by yours truly and made it into the second round of selections on the strength of his […]
Kevin Roberts Has A Big Red Rubber Nose “Lovemarks are the Clown Suit of the advertising industry.” I’d like to think I arrived early at the “Don’t Drink The Lovemarks Kool-Aid” party, but I’m just happy I stayed until the clowns showed-up. The big throw-down is happening at — don’t miss a minute of […]
Hold The Anchovies… and Your Hard Drive. Extra-Cheesy Camouflage For Your Computer I saw this awhile back and it finally made it to the top of my blog-content-coverage-stack. Of course, today’s post could just be a subconscious way to avoid the Turkey Day leftovers. Power Pizza is a clever way to disguise the fact you […]

USBX-mas Tree Ho-Ho-Holy Cow — these are COOL! We all know you spend more time in front of your computer than in the living room enjoying your holiday lights — why not decorate your most used and viewed device in your home? The new USB-powered Christmas Tree light from ThinkGeek adds a festive flair to […]
Open the pod bay doors, Hal. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. Apparently Borders has found a distant cousin to HAL 9000 from “2001: A Space Odyssey“. Their new GiftMixer 3000 is almost as smarmy, and a lot less life-threatening. Set the slider dials in each category (Romantic, Adventurous, Brainy, Imaginative, and […]
Creativity Is Caffeinated
Ideas Give You Energy! A great idea just seems to fill you with energy and excitement. Sharing that idea with someone who “gets it” packs twice the punch. It’s like drinking a double-espresso — the extra shot gives you a bigger boost! Here are seven reasons why ideas are like coffee… 1. Best When Hot […]