Miss Pellings Loosing Sails? OnlineProofreaders help those in a hurry to capture ideas Every couple weeks I get an email from my mother telling me of some typo she happened to catch on my website or blog. Unfortunately, it’s usually in an entry dedicated to professional image, or double-checking facts, etc. I blush at those […]

What is Watizit? Ambiguous Visualization and Forced Relationships I first learned about Watizit through my brainstorming-buddy, Peter Lloyd. I participated in a recent Brainline project on candy bars (don’t blame ME if you missed out — you were invited to play too!) and Peter listed it as a source for idea stimulation. The official description […]

Karen Post-its Branding Diva’s recent “Brand Bite” offers good advice for ad specialty users I subscribe to Karen Post’s “Brand Bite” newsletter, and you should too. Great thoughts to chew on in bite-size morsels, like her most recent post on the topic of choosing promotional items: Stamping your name on every single promotional item you […]

Get Xombified! James Farr raises the bar on raising the dead This guy just made my day — Chapter Four is on the loose!! Xombie is just about the coolest thing on the ‘net. The creator, James Farr, is a computer-geek by day and animating-zombie-geek by night. In three episodes he managed to completely hook […]
Translating Vision into Reality Hit the jackpot at Las Vegas Leader Conference I received an email from my friend Jeff Tobe this morning about the 2004 Ultimate Leadership Conference being held in Sin City July 9th through the 11th. Jeff and 4 other “ultimate leaders” (sounds like caged fighting match!) will be at the Flamingo […]

Pennies For Your Thoughts Jim Kukral helps turn blogs into bucks A couple weeks ago I plunked down several dollars to buy Jim Kukral’s ebook Blogs 2 Riches. It promised step-by-step advice for making a few extra dollars per month via my blog. Since I already have a blog (and can always use a few […]