Simply Addictive My best time to-date? 38.50 Aggravatingly simply, increasingly difficult. I love it and I can’t stop playing! Escape
Mooorrree Braaaaaiiinnnssss!!! The dead walk the Earth! (again.) Not long ago I posted about the renewed interest in zombie movies and books (check the archives for the entry of November 21, 2003) and apparently the fascination continues! My friend Ryan at told me about an incredibly well-done animation series currently available for FREE at […]

Hey Batter-Batter-Batter-Batter… sa-WING Batter-Batter, sa-WING! No penguins were harmed during the production of today’s blog. It’s a frosty, snow-covered and frozen Friday in Columbus today. I thought the weather made today’s link especially appropriate. Smack the Pingu! Send me an email if you crack the 600 ft. mark — I get close, but can’t break […]
SOUND and VISION Links Y’know… those links right above this entry. In case you haven’t guessed, the Sound link tells you what I’ve been listening to in my CD player lately, and the Vision link recommends a book I’m currently reading. Both links take you to Amazon for full details on either item. One note […]