Cooler (and more creative!) Compact Discs I love burning my own CDs — but that ugly, shiny silver surface “look” gets kinda old after awhile… Suffer no longer my friends! This creative company has put their special spin on burning your favorite tunes. “Wood” you like to learn more? Check ’em out!
Sunday Funnies Sunday seems like an appropriate day to tell you about my favorite new cartoon Some of you know that I’m basically a frustrated cartoonist. My comic strip (drawn by art school chum Mike Nicholson) never made it past some minor local acclaim into the beast that is “Syndication” ~ but at least the […]

Ideas That Matter A symbol which serves as a bridge uniting people to fight HIV/AIDS, The Bracelet is designed to increase awareness and to help people recognize that anyone—man, woman, or child— can be infected and that it is up to each of us to be compassionate, understanding, and responsible. Until There’s A Cure® is […]
The Rise of the Creative Class The world has moved away from the old “organizational” era of corporations and homogeneity and into the “creative” era, which is spearheaded by 38 million workers — from scientists to IT workers to artists and writers — with a variety of lifestyles and needs. In his new book The […]
Copycats Get Neutered Unanimous Supreme Court Ruling Could Alleviate Some Inventor Worries Patent holders now have ability to use a legal theory called the “doctrine of equivalents” to defend their patents against would-be imitators. Essentially it allows rights beyond an original infringement claim if the alleged copycat product performs a similar function. The example given […]
This Explains A LOT… Kudos to Dan Pink at Just One Thing for scooping me on this article! An explanation for crazy ideas. Researchers at Stanford who studied people suffering from manic-depressive disorder have found “that creative people tend to share more personality traits with the mentally ill than they do with the middle-of-the-road masses.” […]