Getting Ready. Getting Set.
You spend an inordinate amount of time getting ready.
You spend an excessive amount of time getting set.
Neither of those two things become an issue until you realize that you’re not spending any significant amount of time on GO!
Getting Ready
From starting a business to writing an article — people spend way too much time “getting ready” to do anything. You’re getting your domain name ready, you’re getting your business cards ready, and you’re getting your brochures ready.
Getting Set
You spend too much time “getting set”.
You’re setting up your website, you’re setting up your office, you’re setting up your social media accounts.
When will you be ready to GO?
You’re lined-up at the starting line… you’re watching the clock tick down… but you keep letting it tick and tick and tick. You gotta pull the trigger to set off the starting gun so that you can take off.
Can you imagine sitting behind a car at a red light, seeing the light turn green, and then just sitting there? You’d be honking your horn two seconds after that light changed and the car ahead of you didn’t start moving!
You are that car.
You are ready.
You are set.
Now it’s time to press the accelerator and go!