Keep Your Head Above The Clouds
Clouds can be worrisome to some people. They keep their eyes on the sky searching for storm clouds coming to rain on their parade (which is not what I mean when I tell people to keep looking up). Other times they might be afraid of what the clouds are hiding when they obscure the picture and the situation isn’t as transparent as one would hope.
One solution may be to keep your head above the clouds
If you raise your head above the clouds you don’t have to worry about the rain because it’s quite literally beneath your concern. You’re also not just looking up — you’re awareness is at a more elevated level than anyone else.
Keeping your head above the clouds allows you to have the foresight to see opportunities (and problems) coming from miles away, which gives you an advantage to capitalize on the opportunity and to avoid the problems altogether because you can steer clear of them before they are ever within range to cause an issue.
The only thing required for you to keep your head above the clouds is to stretch outside of your comfort zone and to stick your neck out.
It can be a little uncomfortable at first but, WOW — what a view!