KickStart Your Week : Jeremy Goldman
This week co-host Tomas Lydahl and I had the chance to speak with Jeremy Goldman (better known on Twitter as @jeremarketer.)
Jeremy is an author, speaker, and strategist for a number of brands in the beauty and consumer goods categories. He can be found at and and his debut book “Going Social: Excite Customers, Generate Buzz, and Energize Your Brand with the Power of Social Media” is now available on Amazon.
In this week’s KickStart Your Week podcast, Jeremy shares advice on how we can all improve upon our social media efforts.
Jeremy’s Hot Tips:
1. Go back to your company’s business plan and look at your objectives. Tie these principles back to your social media efforts.
2. Be on the look out for what is on the horizon and what is changing in social media.
3. Continually measure (weekly, monthly, etc.) and track which things you’re doing are working and which aren’t. Stay focused on what’s working and be ready to change the things that aren’t.
Connect with Jeremy:
Twitter: @jeremarketer