Lightbulb Moments
A lightbulb moment is when information that has been floating around in your head finally combines and takes on a distinctive shape. It solidifies into a concept so solid that you’d swear you could take hold of it in your heads and pull it from your mind into the physical world.
It’s the proverbial “A-HA! moment”
You may even feel the need to shout “Eureka!”
It’s the break in the case that makes Sherlock Holmes grab his deerstalker cap, run for the door, and summon Watson with an exclamation of “the game is afoot!”
It’s an idea or thought that is so intensely vivid that your face may actually flush and your temperature increase a few degrees from the energy generated by the concept.
Energy enough to power a lightbulb (or two.)
You may have noticed I’ve begun adding a “Lightbulb Moment” to the end of new articles here on the blog. These short collections of bulletpoints are the take-away thoughts and concepts from the article that I hope will spark your imagination (and maybe a “Eureka!” or two of your own.)
Lightbulb Moment:
- When people talk about their lightbulb moment they tend to think of “a” moment (singular).
But that’s false. You will experience many lightbulb moments over the course of a lifetime (if not over the course of an hour.)
. - Epiphanies are plural.
The best time to think of an idea is right after you’ve come up with an idea.
. - Learn to recognize the approach of a lightbulb moment.
There is anecdotal evidence that animals can sense pending cataclysmic events like tornadoes and earthquakes. There are dogs that can sense when people are about to have seizures, and some that can actually sniff out cancer in humans. If you’ll raise your own awareness and pay attention to the patterns, you’ll be able to sense a pending lightbulb moment and be better prepared to take full advantage when it happens.