I think I heard this in a TED Talk, but I couldn’t find the exact quote anywhere so perhaps it’s something of my own that was sparked by a TED Talk. Either way, here’s the “A-Ha”…
With so much existing information flying around combined with the staggering amounts of new information and content being created every hour, I think our memory is evolving into a new way of functioning. We no longer remember things or commit things to memory (there’s just too much of it), so now our minds are dedicated to indexing knowledge.
We don’t remember stuff so much as we remember where to FIND stuff.
No more memorization, it’s all about indexation.
Like I said in the beginning, I can’t really recall if this was something I heard in a TED Talk or not.
I’ll have to go do a search on their website and see if I can locate the source.
I can’t remember it, but I know exactly where to find it…