New Web Design for DTIG!
I won’t pretend like it was actually planned (thanks a lot,!) but I’m pretty pleased with the results. This has been my first real experience in setting up and customizing a WordPress blog, and it wasn’t without moments of frustration — but overall I am pretty excited about the prospect of adding to my existing design capabilities.
You have to keep in mind that while I do consider myself a graphic designer (and I have the diploma to prove it!) WordPress relies heavily on the designer having at least some basic ability to stick their hands right into the guts of code, poke around and rewire the nervous system and then hit “save” before you can see if you killed the patient or not. At one point I managed to take not only my website completely offline — I couldn’t even get to the WP-Admin page — nothing would display in the browser at all! Yes folks, I am THAT talented…
Anyway… the new site is up and I am pretty happy with the results. I’ll still be shuffling around some images here and there and adding a page or two with additional content as I go, but for the most part this sucker is DONE. Now, on to re-doing all the other dang sites I have to reboot since decided to stop supporting FTP updates. <sigh!>