They’re Behind You!
An amusing vid of people getting “stealth disco’d” by some creative troublemakers at the PodCastCon UK 2006. Fun to watch, but there’s a bigger idea hidden here.See if you can figure it out. I know I’m trying to…
An amusing vid of people getting “stealth disco’d” by some creative troublemakers at the PodCastCon UK 2006. Fun to watch, but there’s a bigger idea hidden here.See if you can figure it out. I know I’m trying to…
Announcing a new podcast show in production —“ASK THE IDEA GUY.” This is your chance to have questions answered on how to create ideas out of thin air, pitching ideas to people who can help put them into action, and selling your ideas for a profit. If you don’t have a question on generating or […]
Guy Kawasaki reviews a book that will be immediately purchased and moved to the top of my ‘to-read’ stack — “The No Asshole Rule” by Robert Sutton. (But… I mean… not because I personally need it or anything.)Sutton is the same guy who wrote “Weird Ideas That Work“, one of my favorite books on innovation […]
You’ve probably seen or heard about the Dove “Evolution” video that shows the progression of a model that goes from photo-shoot to Photoshop. One of my marketing and promotion consulting clients is Dr. Mary Beth Mudd (The Beauty Doctor), and M.D. that specializes in “Advanced Medical Aesthetics” — that is to say, skin and beauty […]
Follow the link below for a clever idea on how you might get your wandering USB thumb-drive returned to you. The concept revolves around the fact that most people will do something if you simply ask them. The pre-programmed pop-up message will invite those so inclined to return your USB drive per the instructions provided. […]
This looks like a job for… Who would you call if the world needed saving? Clark Kent — or Superman? They’re both supposed to be the same person — but the guy in the cape and tights has a resume that says he can bend steel bars, leap tall buildings in a single bound and […]
Check out the Five F’ing Ways to Screw-Up a Good Idea below. I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of one or more of them at some point in our life. I know I am!1. Flies The Coop:You don’t write down the details of the idea, and it slips from your memory. 2. Failure to Launch:You’ve […]