Branding Beyond SlappingYour Logo On SomethingExcellent article from’s Saneel Radia has been posted to Yahoo News. It focuses on the need to look at marketing within video games (as well as other media) from level of interactivity with the consumer, rather than slapping your logo on any ol’ space in the game and waiting […]
Staples Nails It.I thought it was a brilliant move when they created the novelty “Easy Button” as an advertising specialty for sale in their stores.Now Staples has amped up their brand by creating a “real” Easy Button for your desktop. The now familiar red-buttoned icon stays on your desktop until you need to hit it […]
Old Ads. New Ideas.My buddy Troy White from the Duct Tape Blog Channel recently shared an interesting resource for marketing inspiration — an online archive of “hard to find ads.”It’s a collection of classic/retro ads that proved successful for their respective companies, and with the speed that ideas get recycled, this could prove to be […]
Every little thing you do is magic (to somebody)
We all know a friend or two that has a talent we consider unique. Something that we have no talent for ourselves, so we view their skill as almost magical. I can usually get a person to say “how the heck do you DO that??” when coming up with ideas on the fly, or when […]
A view on the newINside Innovation magazinefrom an outside innovatorI’m a fan of BusinessWeek Online, and have been enjoying their innovation-themed emails, but the announcement they will be publishing a magazine title “INside Innovation” leaves me shaking my head.To make a goal of reporting on innovation, and then executing that goal with one of the […]