Open AuthoringBob Garfield at is a little late to the blogging party, but is definitely jumping in with both feet as he begins his Open Authoring book project: Listenomics.He’s posted the TOC and it looks like a pretty interesting book-to-be.
Staples Nails It.I thought it was a brilliant move when they created the novelty “Easy Button” as an advertising specialty for sale in their stores.Now Staples has amped up their brand by creating a “real” Easy Button for your desktop. The now familiar red-buttoned icon stays on your desktop until you need to hit it […]
Old Ads. New Ideas.My buddy Troy White from the Duct Tape Blog Channel recently shared an interesting resource for marketing inspiration — an online archive of “hard to find ads.”It’s a collection of classic/retro ads that proved successful for their respective companies, and with the speed that ideas get recycled, this could prove to be […]
Every little thing you do is magic (to somebody)
We all know a friend or two that has a talent we consider unique. Something that we have no talent for ourselves, so we view their skill as almost magical. I can usually get a person to say “how the heck do you DO that??” when coming up with ideas on the fly, or when […]
A view on the newINside Innovation magazinefrom an outside innovatorI’m a fan of BusinessWeek Online, and have been enjoying their innovation-themed emails, but the announcement they will be publishing a magazine title “INside Innovation” leaves me shaking my head.To make a goal of reporting on innovation, and then executing that goal with one of the […]
Skype VS. VonageAsk anyone which I prefer and I will unabashedly proclaim Skype to be the best, but it appears from the latest info in Business Week Online, I ain’t the only one.While an article in their INNOVATION section touts Skype as a viable challenger to the “old order” of the Goliath wireless world, a […]