Skype VS. VonageAsk anyone which I prefer and I will unabashedly proclaim Skype to be the best, but it appears from the latest info in Business Week Online, I ain’t the only one.While an article in their INNOVATION section touts Skype as a viable challenger to the “old order” of the Goliath wireless world, a […]
Had Bad Pizza? They’d Like To Meetz’Ya!
I ran across an ad in the local arts paper that I thought was a gag. The headline said “Reckless pizza ordering is an offense. If you’ve been the victim of recklessly bad pizza ordering, contact us!” I scoured the paper for notice of a fake-ad contest, but could find none. I tore out […]
Fairy InfestationWee folk have invaded Ann Arbor, MichiganWhat started as a single curious door as multiplied to seven. Miniature, ornate entry ways have mysteriously appeared alongside the human-size portals in Ann Arbor’s business district — bringing increased business from adult and juvenile gawkers.Illustrator Jonathon Wright is taking credit as the unofficial ‘elfin realtor’ and says […]
Jumping The Brand SharkMy favorite “Blogher“, Jory Des Jardins, only recently discovered the term “Jump The Shark” used to describe the defining moment when television show has passed its peak and begins a downward descent. The term spawned from a Happy Days episode in which a water-skiiing Fonz literally ‘jumps a shark.’While I’ve been familiar […]
Good idea.Glad I thought of it.Innovation Tools’ latest newsletter hit my in-box today. Always a favorite, I dove right in and checked out the featured links. An article titled “The Romance of Creativity” by Mitch Ditkoff of caught my eye. Nice concept. …And when I say “nice concept” — I mean MY concept. I […]
Etch-A-ScotchWe’ve all seen the oh-so-cute and initially innovative charms for wine glasses. Those little baubles that attach to the stem of your bubbly, reminding people to keep their mitts off your merlot — but what if your affair is more casual, or your attendees demand to express a little more creativity while in their cups? […]
Join The Best Seller ListThe best sellers (the best salespeople) all seem to have the right answers at the right time. But, where do they GET all those great answers?Now there’s a resource where all the best sales answers are collected in one place — Jeffrey Gitomer’s Little Red Book of Sales Answers. If you’ve […]