SPAM: defines spam as “Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail.” So why do so many of these stooges just not “get it?”Within the past month I have received two separate pieces of spam from individuals completely oblivious to the fact their practices […]
Single Deduction, Double Malt.Bloody brilliant idea — is a convenient on-site tax prep conpany will come to your local pub in order to process your tax returns!What a way to lower the stress associated with filing taxes.You order a stiff drink if you’re worried about the size of that amount due to be paid, […]
Buffy Still Slays ’em…
Whitney Matheson (diva of all that is pop culture) agrees with me. USA Today’s resident hipster shares a new experience I found cool and creative (especially since I’ve a Buffy fan from the beginning) — it’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Rocky Horror Picture Show. According to Whitney, there was much laughing and singing […]
iMPRESSEDLove, love LOVE the effort being put forth by Georgia College and State University in embracing the iPod as a community building and learning tool.Some excerpts from the article… At least 100 of the rural school’s employees are turning iPods into education or research tools — impressive for a college with only about 300 faculty. […]
American Inventor Not Very Inventive
NOT an impressive first showing for the new Thursday night series by Simon Cowell. Pretty disappointing. Part of the draw for early episodes of American Idol is watching the dreck and freaks of talentless contestants try to make their way through the judging process and get roasted back into reality by Simon and Company. […]
American InventorA new show featuring innovative product ideas being evaluated and eliminated by a panel of three judges premieres Thursday night on ABC. It’s called American Inventor, and there’s nothing especially original about the concept. This appears to be a mash-up of a show the USA Network had on back in September of 2005 called […]
Cheer Up, CharlieWonka may have only had 5 Golden Tickets, but Prince will be hiding 14 of them in his new CD release “3121”, due out later this month. Lucky folks finding these tickets will be entitled to a private concert at the Purple One’s Los Angeles home. (I’m betting eBay is going to have […]