Now Showing…in another theater…If you’re still reading this blog instead of THIS blog, you’re missing my post about a site where Jelly Belly recipes have taken on a whole new twist.
Jelly Belly Wine TastingIt has an amusing little flavor with just a hint of rebelliousness.Most candy fans are aware of the Jelly Belly “recipes” made from popping combinations of Jelly Belly flavors (2 chocolate pudding + 1 cappucino + 1 peanut butter = Mudd Pie), but Wine X magazine pops the cork on a new […]
You’ve heard of “Kill Bill?”Well, I “Robbed Bob.” I’ve gotten some great feedback about the new site and blog design. Most of the comments are about my new header graphic sporting the ‘thought balloon’ and creative placement of important reference links. While I am the first to take credit for my own ideas, I am […]
The BrainBlog isnow MY BrainBlog!The switchover happens this weekA new look for the ol’ blog finally takes effect this week. Please change your blogroll links to your news reader subscriptions by selecting the appropriate link below:FeedBurnerBlogLinesMyYahooUsing something else? Here’s the direct link to the XML feed: BrainBlog is dead — long live MyBrainBlog!
My Personal Brilliance…And Yours.Anyone who missed the Fast Company Magazine BlogJam a few weeks ago missed out on what I think is basically THE big concept of the year — “Personal Brilliance.”Author Jim Canterucci was invited to participate in the BlogJam and share his vision of the personal innovation process. Canterucci describes Personal Brilliance as […]
Be An OtterGreat quote from a conversation between two of my favorite writers, Joss Whedon and Neil Gaiman — “I saw a lovely analogy recently. Somebody said that writers are like otters. And otters are really hard to train. Dolphins are easy to train. They do a trick, you give them a fish, they do […]
My Personal Brilliance… And Yours.Anyone who missed the Fast Company Magazine BlogJam a few weeks ago missed out on what I think is basically THE big concept of the year — “Personal Brilliance.”Author Jim Canterucci was invited to participate in the BlogJam and share his vision of the personal innovation process. Canterucci describes Personal Brilliance […]