“To astound theworld, you mustsink into creativityas a heroic act.”~ Evelyn Rodriguez Is that quote HOT or what? Evelyn has a sexy, sexy, brain.Her recent post at Crossroads Dispatches invites us all on a trip through the creative process, in which Evelyn herself will play tour guide and ‘reality show participant’, as she not only […]
Change: It’s got a good beat, and you can dance to it.Funny Page Philosophy from ButternutSquash.netMy desktop wallpaper will feature this cartoon for the next few weeks. Butternutsquash is a web comic updated weekly (almost) by the creative team of Ramon Perez and Rob Coughler. Excellent art, slice of life stories with a twist of […]
Good News for Guerillas. Or not? What happens when mainstream marketingbegins to adopt guerilla gameplans?New article from Primedia reports “Guerilla marketing is growing as mass media fades and more marketers adopt non-traditional methods”. I say this: when the non-tradition BECOMES traditional, creativity and innovation are more important than ever, because now savvy marketers should be […]
Picture of 1,000 WordsAmazType is AmazingFound a great link (of course!) while catching-up on Seth Godin’s blog. AmazType will create an interactive graphic of any word you type in their search-box, comprised entirely of book covers pertaining to the subject! The graphic is completely interactive, and you can click each book cover for title, author, […]
Low-Tech CreativityAll you need to generate big ideasYesterday I shared a high-tech way to record ideas, today I just wanted to remind you (and myself) all we REALLY need to capture a big idea is a tiny piece of paper and something with which to write. Some of my best ideas have been scribbled on […]
Happily Ever(Note) After…Free Notebook Program (may) Make Digital Idea Journals EasyI just downloaded EverNote this morning — anyone else using it? I’ll give it a test-run and do a review next month on the DTIG Innovation page.If any BrainBlog visitors have tested the program, leave behind a comment with your impressions. It appears (at first […]
The New Art of SalesChangeThis.com may justchange the way you sellMy buddy S. Anthony Iannarino (of TheSalesBlog.com) has submitted a proposal to write a manifesto for Seth Godin’s ChangeThis.com.The premise certainly sounds interesting, but not have has interesting as being able to read the whole thing — which we won’t be able to do unless […]