Buzan: The Mind Mappin’ Memory ManTake the World Memory ChallengeHoward Mann — he of the newly revamped Dig Business site (loooking goood!) and the incredibly cool DIG Tank blog — helped the Tony Buzan team create this very humbling interactive memory test.Speaking of Howard — he’s been writing some insightful stuff on his new Dig […]
This One Goes Out to All the Whiners Living in the PastStill boo-hoo-hooing about ‘all the jobs in the United States’ being deported?Here’s what I said when it first started happening — you lost your job to someone overseas who could do it cheaper? Create your OWN job, invent your own market, discover something that […]
Well, it’s official…Vampires Live LongerFrom scientists at Stanford University, no less!Here’s the scoop from the study, as reported in Wired magazine:“…blood from young mice introduced into their older counterparts “activated stem cells in the old muscles that allowed them to recover from injury.” But you can’t just go around using any old blood — the […]
10 Free Gifts Offer ExtendedCool stuff for free if you buy Michael York’s new book todayA couple days ago Michael York celebrated the release of his new book “The 10 Comittments” by partnering with some other infamous online personalities (me included) to giveaway free gifts with every book purchased from his official site at www.MichaelYork.com.The […]

Personal DevelopmentReally is Personal(And Commitment is the Key)The official Don The Idea Guy site was updated this morning. Some of the stuff you’ve seen on the blog before (the Idea Barista article and the recent review of the WimpyPlayer) but on the INSPIRATION page I’ve got a ‘phenom’ article by the Uncommonly cool Michael York […]
I Kicked Seth Godin’s Ass!Trounced Tom Peters, too…AND Mike Tyson! Discovered a new site called GoogleFight.com that lets you pit any two search terms against one another, with the winner determined by which one gets the most results on Google.Don The Idea Guy garned 13,900,000 results versus the 335,000 by Seth Godin and 2,150,000 by […]