Good To Be In D.C. JibJab’s “This Land” sequel is online Who will be the Hollywood smart-guy to sign these guys for a politically-themed tv special or ongoing animated series? Enjoy the show.

Yet Another Fine Product …for the stupid, lazy, and insincere. • Tired of crafting those energy-draining ‘thank-you’ notes? • Fed-up with providing a polite response after someone shows you a kindness? • Afraid of developing carpal-tunnel syndrome from addressing envelopes? Worry no more my friends… your salvation is HERE!

Budweiser Venti Bud B(E) tags along with trendy tastes NEW YORK (Reuters) – Brewer Anheuser-Busch says it will introduce a caffeinated, sweet-flavored beer for twentysomething club goers to compete with the flavored rums and vodkas gaining ground on the dance floor. With a beer adding caffeine, how long could it possibly be before a coffee […]
Virgin Ain’t So Innocent Anyone else smell a rip-off? The other day, Virgin Atlantic announced a new ad campaign that parodies porn. Targeted to run on LodgeNet Entertainment Corporation Adult Desires pay-per-view hotel channel, the 8-minute video (called “Suite & Innocent”) is filled with every conceivable porn double-entendre — from bad acting to character names […]
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon’s Band MusicPlasma is music to my ears and candy for my eyes is a new visual music database created with the help of’s music database. Just type in the name of any musician or band and it will quick assemble a mini-universe of musical connections… displaying a literal […]