Brand Personalities — Election Edition Dubbya is to Dunkin Donuts, as Kerry is to Starbucks Interesting (and kinda funny) study from branding firm Landor Associates, share results of presidential product match-ups. I first learned of it through Brandon Uttley’s Brand On! blog, but I’d be really interested in seeing the same data collected for the […]
A Friday by Any Other Name Last Friday it was People names — this week it’s all Business. Many times clients will ask my opinion of company names they’ve created, and although there are plenty of books on the subject and a variety of opinions available, I’ve always wished there was a collection of basic […]
Listmania The virtual libraries of Amazon customers When I visit friends, I enjoy browsing the shelves of their book and music collections. I inevitably find items that I’d wanted to read or hear and never got around to it, or forgot the title the next time I visited my favorite media store. Finding a book […]
Things I Believe Tom Peters Adds Monster Manifesto to ChangeThis Tom Peters is easily in the top three of my list of ‘coolest people that cause big trouble’ (Jeffrey Gitomer and Seth Godin would be the other two.) When two of the three get together on a project, you just KNOW the result is going […]