Idea Evaluation Can You tell a Good Idea from a Bad One? Report 103 is a weekly email from the big-thinkers at the JPB Company. This past week they shared a formula for evaluating ideas they’ve described as “5×5.” “We determine five criteria and rate the idea against each criteria on a scale of zero to five. Zero points means the […]
Once Upon A Time… Brilliant Blog Boasts Business Bedtime Stories I’ve long been a fan of using parables to help probable purchasers identify their needs with those of the people in my story. Lessons and advice presented as stories are more easily understood. There’s no finger-pointing or dire warnings that a prospect need to follow your […]
Studio 7 What if “Survivor” and “Weakest Link” had a baby? Seven dynamic 18-25 year olds from across the country move into a posh New York City loft for one week overloaded with newspapers, magazines, and numerous other study materials in preparation for a cutthroat current events trivia challenge taking place at the end of […]
Trying to Ketchup Say Something Ketchuppy II Heinz is holding its second contest to add your pithy sayings to their ketchup labels. Last year’s winners are posted on their site and the rules are available on their promotions page. The ketchup contest started in May ends November 30th. A contest concept this devine is ripe with possibilities!
Five Balls Juggling Balls of Rubber and Glass shares a valuable insight into setting life’s priorities. “Each of us is given five balls. One is rubber and four are glass. The rubber ball is work. If you drop it, it will always bounce back. The other four glass balls are family, friends, […]

He’s a right-wing nutjob… He’s a liberal wiener (but he’s won 3 Purple Hearts) This Land will surely vote for me. This so-funny-it’s-true animation has been featured on several news programs. It’s free to watch online, and you can download your own copy for $2.99 via PayPal. If you’re one of the three people left […]