Learn from Walt’s Wrongs Disney demonstrates domination despite defeat Found a great list of Walt Disney’s failures on the EarthTimes.org website. Walt Disney has been a hero of mine since a report I did on him in 2nd grade. During my “research” (I read two books on him at the school library) I found weird parallels between […]

Arrrrrr! Perfectly Practical Piratical Paraphernalia My buddy Ryan from GoateeStyle.com has a limited supply of some sharp-looking items bearing his original skull-and-crossbones design. Although Ryan is a whiz kid with the design, I must take credit (blame?) for two of the terrible pirate puns you see on the items — The backside of the shorties […]

MEETINGS: The Alternative to Work An Office-Meeting Survival Guide My buddies at The Nub feature a link to a great article by Jared Sandberg at CareerJournal.com. I’d link directly to the Sandberg article, but then you’d miss the hilarious graphic accompanying The Nub entry. Subscribe to the WSJ through Amazon.com and receive $25 off your […]

Barbie’s a bad girl now
This is Wrong on so many levels Since my last post included a link to Legos, Amazon now has me in their database-sights as someone interested in toys, so imagine my surprise when the new S&M Barbie doll appeared in my inbox this morning! Okay… so it’s not *actually* called S&M Barbie, but one look […]

Five-Buck BrainStorms Twelve ideas for $5 — that’s less than 42 cents per idea! For a limited time EconoStorms are available for the ridiculously low price of FIVE DOLLARS. This offer may end at any time, and EconoStorms will be processed on a first-come/first-served basis. Want a FREE sample? Download a free EconoStorm on marketing […]