Colorful Relaunch of a Big Brand Renewing vitality in an established brand isn’t always so black and white Excellent coverage of Masterfoods USA’s plan to add new color to their fading M&Ms brand — by taking all the color away. Potentials Magazine | June 2004 If your tastes run more retro, you should checkout Groovy […]
Body As Billboard “Advertise for Sh*t That Matters” Today’s post links to a site that is not work-safe, but cool and creative nonetheless. Periel is a writer/designer who created Body as Billboard after coming to the realization that her body was being used as an advertising vehicle to promote products and politics. “I was sick […]

McTV Music Television turns away ‘Super Size Me’ movie ads in favor of McProfits I figure MTV jumped the shark long ago (when was the last time they actually played a music video?) but it’s amazing to me that they choose not to advertise this award-winning film because it’s “disparaging to fast-food restaurants” — WTF?? […]