I don’t care who you’re voting for… This idea is clever, funny, and apparently very effective! MoveOn.org, the political action committee devoted to unseating President Bush in the coming election, organized at least 1,000 bake sales from Maine to Hawaii on Saturday, raising about $250,000 dollars in the process. Featured treats included “Beat Bush Brownies” […]
How Big is YOUR Brag Bag? Online Take-12 Questionnaire I read this book and posted it in the VISION section above quite awhile ago, but like any book on self-promotion that I think is great — it deserves to be revisited. I recently obtained the audio book version to listen to while riding in the […]
Chicken The Way You Want It Site of the Subservient Chicken Sounds like some sort of perverted website, but it’s actually an attempt by Burger King to unleash an Idea Virus. I gotta admit, it’s clever concept. Typing in keywords makes a guy in a big chicken suit (wearing garters!) go through all sorts of […]
Fuzzy Bunny Deathmatch! Easter Bunny vs. Happy Bunny I just realized I missed the opportunity for a “very special holiday edition of Brain|Blog” — oh well, guess you guys will have to suffer through it a day late. We’re all familiar with the Easter Bunny — that pusher of sweets and all things chocolate — […]
Intense The pictures will leave you speechless If a picture’s worth a thousand words — then why can’t I find the right words to describe the weight in my chest, the lump in my throat, and the intense feeling of (foreboding? fear?) that all increase the further I travel through this photographer’s gallery of her […]
Creativity for the Time-Stressed Five exercises for squeezing a little creative thought into your busy day Creativity consultant Jean V. Dickson offers five fun games to help build innovative thinking for the time-stressed: Play the 3 Cs: Clothes, Colour and Counting Game Think of as many alternative ways of describing the colour of the clothes […]