You Write like a GIRL! GenderGenie judges author’s sex via writing samples Today’s entry is nothing of earth-shattering importance, just a bit of fun. Visit’s Gender Genie to see how your writing ranks — is your writing masculine or feminine? As a test, I entered the text of the blog entry immediately below this […]
Idea Guy Invited to Speak at AMA Event Catch the Idea Guy “LIVE” during the Columbus chapter of the American Marketing Association’s Creativity U. More details as available, but I was invited to speak during one of the one-hour sessions on the topic of Creativity Tools. The official event web page is here, but not […]
Staples Invention Quest Win $25,000 for your office product idea! I was picking up some supplies the other day and saw an entry form for this exciting contest. I’ve dug through my idea journals and found several ideas that will make suitable entries. The deadline for entires is 11/21/03, so I still have plenty of […]
I’m a Sticky Site of the Moment! Brain|Blog holds honor for about 20 minutes. Although it sounds more like an award for a porn site, bestowed the award upon Brain|Blog — for just a moment — before passing it on to the next recipient. Thanks, it’s the only award I know that gets […]
First Look at Microsoft’s New OneNote
How does Chuck Frey get his hands on this stuff before I do? Fellow Idea Guy and marketing guru, Chuck Frey, shares his impressions of Microsoft’s new product that might just be perfect for taking all my idea notebooks into the digital age.While you’re viewing Chuck’s review, why not poke around the InnovationTools website? It’s […]
Cool Idea. Lame Lawsuit.
Clever concept overshadowed by silly suit The Washington Post website has an article about The Library Hotel, a Manhattan business that overlooks the New York Public Library, has filled their rooms with books and numbered the rooms according to how the books would be shelved in an actual library. For instance: reserve room number 700.003 […]
KFC Contest Idea Guy and friends enter create-your-own-commercial contest Aaron Johnson of DoDatDen Productions, Eric Williams, writer/producer of Blue Arm Productions, and I (of…um… I really need to come up with a production company name!) spent Saturday down on the campus of The Ohio State University filming our entry for’s contest to produce a […]