What Are You Waiting For …an invitation?? I recently learned of this small (tiny would be a better word for it!) business that specializes in handmade invitations. How could “The Idea Guy” resist introducing you to “Paper-Girl?” ha-ha!
You Call This An Update? Temporary “Blog-Only” Format Invades Idea Guy Website I figure since the only thing that was getting consistently updated was this blog, that I may as well remove the so-old-it’s-offensive content from the site during the renovation period. The 2003 update is taking me longer than expected — because I’m BUSY! […]
My Imagination At Work A fun message and online tool! My thanks to the creativity gurus at GoCreate.com “The Creative Center of the Universe” (DONtheIDEAguy.com not withstanding!) and the folks who collect all sorts of creative links for their Heads Up! newsletter for sharing this with me. Check it out… A message from the Idea […]

How Many Idea Guys Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb?
Q: How Many Idea Guys Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb? A: An entire team of researchers at Berkeley Inkjet technology has progressed so far that it now allows us to actually “print” three-dimensional electronic devices that actually WORK. You may be familiar with the device that allows three-dimensional models to be printed layer-by-layer […]
Happy New Year! Let’s kick-off with some arguments on copyrights and digital works Ah, some things are going to be BIG this year… and none moreso than the continuing argument about who owns what, and how we as consumers are allowed to record and share things we buy with our friends. Here are two articles […]