You’ve come a long way baby! Crayola’s new product is an Etch-A-Sketch for the digital age Crayola Art and Photo Studio (couldn’t they have come up with a better name?)
INC. Innovation Once again, INC. magazine assembles some pretty good articles on business innovation and corporate creativity. Ordinary People, Extraordinary Creativity Innovation isn’t beyond the ability of everyday companies. You just need to know how to go about it. Practical Magic Instead of baking up ideas from scratch, the co-founders of Eleven, a Boston-based […]
Encourage Brainstorming
Sure, new ideas are important, but how do you get employees to set aside time to brainstorm? Debra Newton, CEO of Newton Interactive, in Pennington, N.J., designates certain days each quarter as “idea days” during which an entire department of employees will scan the Web researching the same topic and report back on what they […]
Is it just me…? Do any of you folks think Xerox Palo Alto Research Center’s (PARC) new “electronic reusable paper” looks familiar? Their new product “GYRICON” reminds me of those “magic tablets” we used to have has children — you know… those things that had the acetate sheet covering a gray undercoating. You’d use a […]