Copycats Get Neutered Unanimous Supreme Court Ruling Could Alleviate Some Inventor Worries Patent holders now have ability to use a legal theory called the “doctrine of equivalents” to defend their patents against would-be imitators. Essentially it allows rights beyond an original infringement claim if the alleged copycat product performs a similar function. The example given […]
This Explains A LOT… Kudos to Dan Pink at Just One Thing for scooping me on this article! An explanation for crazy ideas. Researchers at Stanford who studied people suffering from manic-depressive disorder have found “that creative people tend to share more personality traits with the mentally ill than they do with the middle-of-the-road masses.” […]
Yeah, it’s been awhile… But I finally found something worth sharing! Have you seen the new Panasonic commercials for e-wear? There are currently two of them on the air, and they were directed by my favorite indie filmmaker, Kevin Smith. You can check out the commercials here. And if you like the e-wear so much […]
I don’t know if it’s art — but I like it! Art doesn’t just imitate life — it directs traffic! The Idea Guy is all about creative solutions ~ how could I not bestow proper recognition on this guy? Kudos to you my brave warrior of problem solving, you rebel of innovation! And my […]
…We interrupt this program… Another reason Jeffery Gitomer kicks sales-butt! Those of you who’ve known me for more than five minutes knows I’m always talking up the sales guru, Jeffrey Gitomer. He’s a sales trainer, author, syndicated columnist, and I have it on good authority he’s also a marvelous ballroom dancer. (I have no idea […]
Think Funny | WEDNESDAY The Secret Society of Happy People I KNEW there was a conspiracy… some folks just seem to be WAY too happy! The Secret Society of Happy People essentially exists to sell books and the speaking services of the author, Pam Johnson, but it’s done in such a clever and humorous fashion […]
Think Funny | TUESDAY Did you know that rearranging the letters of “George Bush” gives “He bugs Gore”, “Madonna Louise Ciccone” gives “Occasional nude income” and “William Shakespeare”, “I am a weakish speller”??! The above text is from The Anagram Genius Server. It’s great (free!) online tool that will take whatever words you submit and […]