Think Funny | MONDAY I’m going to post humorous links this week that can help improve your creativity. Today’s featured site is Internet Bumperstickers are just what they sound like (look directly above this posting for an example.) They’re funny GIF graphics that are free to use on your own site. Visit their website […]
Do You Think Funny? Comedy is a great source for spurring your creativity. Laughter releases all sorts of positive chemicals into your brain, thus altering the way you think. One of my creative techniques is to take core concepts to the point of the ridiculous. For instance ~ Core Concept: Home delivery of food. Goal: […]
Happy Tuesday Folks ~ Since I recommended a movie and some poetry yesterday, I figured I’d include a couple links to some music today. I’m a firm believer in the creative powers of music. You can actually control the type of ideas you’re creating by altering the style of music you’re listening to while brainstorming. […]