Respect Every Rung On The Ladder Of Success
Everyone is always in such a rush to get to the top of the proverbial “ladder of success”, but few have the staying power to remain there, and I think it’s because they didn’t take the time to actually embrace the climbing process and respect each step they took on every rung they touched.
It’s a Ladder Not An Elevator
If you could simply step into a magic box and push a button that got you to the top floor of your career, everyone would do it. Climbing a ladder to reach greater heights in your industry requires hard work, endurance, and purpose.
Unfortunately, I think many people climbing the ladder have an elevator mindset. They’re scrambling up the ladder as quickly as they can without taking the time to make certain they have a solid grip on each rung and that their feet are planted firmly on one rung before leaving it for the next. While it can be embarrassing or inconvenient for someone to slip, lose their grip, and fall off the ladder on the first few rungs, it can be a career-ender (maybe a life-ender) if this happens closer to the top — and if you’ve been impatiently cruising up the ladder faster than you should or skipping rungs altogether along the way you’ve been gambling on a fall your entire climb.
Respect The Ladder Rungs
Take the time on each individual rung to get a feel for that level. Plant your feet, grip the supports, and get comfortable with the process as well as your current level of advance before taking your next step up.
If you take your time during the climb, you increase your odds of spending more time at the top.