The Awesome Door
Last week I saw the really cool video Dove released about their experiment in several parts of the world where they gave woman the choice to enter a store through two doors; one labeled “Average” and one labeled “Beautiful”. It was an interesting (and somewhat sad) choice to watch women make for themselves, without any obvious outside influence.
Was it humbleness?
Was is fear of demonstrating ego?
Or was it something more insidious with the way media tells the world what “beauty” is?
The video raises a lot of good talking points and does a fantastic job of sparking a conversation. I hope it continues.
Dove’s experiment got me thinking about the choices everyone makes in regard to their daily lives.
When you wake up in the morning.
When you walk into your workplace.
Are you walking through the Average door or the Awesome door?
Checkout the original Dove video below and watch it at least twice. Watch it the first time to experience their original thought provoking message about women and how they perceive themselves, and then watch it a second time to make the leap to connect it to how you see yourself and the work you put out into the world.
Are you choosing to walk through the Awesome door or are you walking through the this-is-just-a-job-door?
Just as the women in the Dove commercial were shown — it’s your choice.