Up, Up, and Away
I hear a lot of people complaining that they haven’t reached the heights they feel that they deserve. They don’t have the title they want, they’re not getting paid what they want, they don’t have the social partner that they want.
They want to level-up, but they don’t want to pony-up what it takes to earn an upgrade in those areas of their life.
If you want to level-up you need to shut-up, sign-up, show-up, and step-up.
Stop all the blaming and complaining.
Stop the boasting and bragging.
Stop the gossiping and lollygagging.
Stop wasting time that could be put to better use in earning and achieving your goal.
Shut-up and get to work.
Add your name to the list.
Raise your hand. Volunteer.
Let people know you’re in the game and willing to work for what you want.
You have to be “there”… Where the work is happening. Where life is happening.
You have to be where you said you’d be at the time you said you’d be there.
Prepared and ready to put in the work.
Be the person other people can count on to get things done.
When everyone else is asking questions, go out and find the answers for yourself and come back to present them to the team. Demonstrate initiative. Be resourceful.
Take a leadership role and inspire your peers to also improve themselves.
And don’t worry about it if your efforts to fly result in a fall or two (or three).
On your way to Leveling-up there are plenty of “Ups” that you’ll need to take, but not one of them is Giving-up.