What’s Your 20/20 Vision?
With less than seven weeks remaining in 2010, your mind may begin turning toward setting resolutions for the coming year. A few of you may even create or update your five-year plan.
I challenge you to think even further ahead.
Do you realize that you are a mere 10 years away from 2020?
Say it out loud. Twenty-Twenty.
It sounds like such a milestone number — a legendary year.
What mark will you leave on this year. What will you accomplish? What legacy will you leave?
Look ahead ten years into the future…
What’s your vision for 20/20?
- Where will you be?
- What will you be?
- Who will you know?
- Who will know you?
- How will you have evolved?
Like what you see?
If you DON’T…
Now is the perfect time to chart a new course in order to arrive at a more desireable destination.
If you DO…
Just as the simplest way to solve a maze on paper is put your pen down at the finish point and trace your way back to the start, the easiest way to find your path to that ideal future is to work your way in reverse, finding the way back to your current situation.
When 2020 arrives, will you have accomplished something legendary? Something monumental?
Or will you simply be ten years older?