Your most important client should fire you
Your most important client is also your most neglected client…
You would absolutely stop doing business with a company immediately if they treated you the way you treat yourself.
Think about it.
Compared to all the other clients you serve, YOUR projects are always the last to get done, your needs are the last to get met, your meetings with yourself always get cancelled, the work on your projects always looks and feels rushed, and your projects are always delivered late. You’re always out helping other people grow their business, but yours may be suffering in silence.
But you say “I’m busy serving my other customers, the ones who pay the bills.”
You are Customer Zero
You know the character in all those virus or zombie outbreak movies? The one who basically got infected first and the whole contagion grew outward from that original source? They always call him “Patient Zero“. Well, you are Customer Zero. Everything starts and spreads from you — good, bad, indifferent (or zombie plague.)
Are you giving yourself the Royal Treatment?
How you treat your most important customer sets the bar for how all of your other customers will be served.
- If your most important customer doesn’t get enough sleep at night, how will that affect all the others customers?
. - If your most important customer doesn’t stay healthy, doesn’t take care of herself and gets sick — how will that impact the service to the rest of the customers?
. - If your most important customer isn’t earning enough profit on sales, what is the long term effect on the business and how it serves all the other customers?
YOU are your most important client and you need to treat yourself as such, because if you lose that customer; all the other accounts are lost as well.